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MorrisonLundy’s Culture, Leadership and Organizational Performance program works with organizations to assist in the development of job-related competencies and provide our tailored EolasPro360 and Triangulate Success Assessment performance management tools with comprehensive insight analytics and organizational insights.

We complement this approach with leadership development through coaching and learning opportunities that augment and align to the organization’s mission, vision, and cultural goals.

Our end-to-end performance management program will assist your organization to stay connected with your employees and ensure that their growth remains on a pathway of continuous improvement.

For more information, please contact:

John Skakie, CHRL, MBA-HRM
Senior Search and HRM Consultant
Tel: 289-362-0428

Click to learn more about our EolasPro360 and Triangulate Success Assessment Tool.

An office in the city. Business. A team of people, a multi ethnic group, men and women standing together in a group.