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EolasPro360 and Triangulate Success Assessment Tool

General Information

  • Our EolasPro360 Assessment and Triangulate Success Assessment Tool is a valid and reliable tool designed for electronic deployment.
  • The tool is user-friendly and incorporates anonymity and confidentiality for all participants.
  • The tool incorporates complete flexibility and customization in tailoring it to suit each organization’s specific needs, providing a process that is clear and easy to administer.
  • A unique feature of the tool is that it can be tailored to the specific requirements of both the individual and the organization.
  • The tool can be tailored to specific Key Performance Indicators (KPI).

From an Individual Perspective

  • The tool will provide feedback on the individual’s performance and identify opportunities for improvement.
  • Is an efficient diagnostic tool that provides both quantitative and qualitative data which can be utilized within a user-friendly assessment-coaching process.
  • Provides structured feedback to employees on their work performance and career development.
  • Assists individuals in a supportive, non-judgmental way.

From an Organizational Perspective

  • The tool will identify areas for future development relative to the individual’s role in the context of the mission, vision and strategic goals of the organization.
  • The Triangulate Success Assessment Tool, incorporated within the 360 assessment, assesses Culture, Leadership and Organizational Performance components.
  • Enhances Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) throughout the organization.
  • Delivers outcome results and analytics which identify other opportunities for sustainable improvements across the entire organization.
  • Can also be used to identify how your stakeholders view the organization through a looking glass of Organizational Performance, Culture, and Leadership.
  • Can be used to assess Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) readiness and efficacy across the organization.
  • Enterprise-wide comparative data can be generated across subjects, departments and multilocational sites.
  • Can identify organizational hotspots and assist with corrective measures and planning
Business charts and diagrams on digital tablet

For further information, please contact:

John Skakie, CHRL, MBA-HR
Senior Search and HRM Consultant
Tel: 289-362-0428

Click to learn about our Culture, Leadership & Performance Management Services

Key Benefits:

General Information

  • Focuses on how things are being done rather on what is being done.
  • Track and receive assessment project compliance reports electronically.
  • Option for Electronic / Hardcopy delivery of reports and recommendations.
  • Flagging and Comparative reports are features of the tool and can be used optionally.
  • All project data is securely transmitted via Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology.

From an Individual Perspective

  • Designed to increase the ability to meet all Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and deliver exemplary performance in all key results areas as specified in the job description of each employee.
  • Assists in identifying strengths and highlights areas for coaching and development.
  • Multiple assessor feedback provides a balanced view improving reliability and fairness.
  • Outcomes are set and used to track annual benchmarks.
  • Provides the opportunity to learn from increased self-awareness.
  • Increased understanding of behaviours leads to long-term learning and development.

From an Organizational Perspective

  • A risk management tool that helps build an open culture of continuous improvement where opinions are valued in terms of Organizational Performance, Culture and Leadership.
  • Encourages a strong and cohesive team leading to improvement in employee relationships, self and group accountability, and provides clarity on how to improve overall performance.
  • We provide and analyze performance data reports to make knowledgeable data driven decisions.
  • Clarifies and focuses on specific behaviours needed to develop team efficiencies.
  • Promotes communication as feedback is valued and implemented.
  • Continuous improvement can lead to organizational change along with improved succession planning and training.

Getting Started:

  • Getting started is easy.
  • We can provide you with a demonstration of the process and utilization of the tool.
  • For System Set-Up all you, as a client, have to do, is: provide Name, Designation, Email Address, Phone # of Subject, Rater Groups and Administrator, along with a chosen list of questions from our extensive library of established questions and/or organization specific questions to be included in the assessment.
  • We take over from there and manage the entire process.